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Dental Patient Education Videos

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Special Aids: Proxabrush | 0:30

Floss Pick | 0:41

How to Floss | 1:06

Deep Scaling & Root Planing | 0:56

Proper Tooth Brushing Technique | 0:54

Extraction: Plaque and Tartar | 0:27

Gingival Recession | 0:43

Hand Scaling and Polishing | 0:33

How Do I Control Bad Breath? | 1:34

Hard Tissue Laser: Crown Lengthening | 0:59

Hard Tissue Laser: Decay Removal | 0:57

Onlays | 1:40

Invisible Braces | 1:57

Post-Operation Instructions with Temporary Veneers | 1:14

Take Home Tooth Whitening | 1:17

Veneers | 2:02

Cosmetic Fillings | 1:04

Amalgam Fillings | 0:52

Porcelain Crown | 1:10

Porcelain Crown No Metal Showing | 1:19

Bonded Fillings | 1:41

Extraction: Trauma | 0:25

Extraction: Unchecked Decay | 0:25

Sequence of Tooth Eruption | 1:20

Preservation of Bone Loss | 1:03

Your First Visit | 0:57

Oral Cancer Screening | 1:38

All-Ceramic Bridge | 1:17

Post and Core (Lab Processed) | 1:04

Replacement Options: Missing Teeth | 1:38

Missing Tooth Sequelae | 1:20

Bridge to Replace Missing Tooth | 1:13

Crown Lengthening Before a Restoration | 0:53

Implant Supported Lower Denture | 0:56

Removal of Impacted Wisdom Tooth | 1:02

Gingival Graft | 0:46

Implant Surgery | 1:14

Implant Supported Bridge | 1:51

Post-Operation Wisdom Tooth Extraction | 1:25

What is Intermaxillary Fixation? | 1:15

Root Canal Treatment | 2:06

Post and Core (Prefabricated Metal Post) | 1:06

Anatomy of a Tooth | 0:55

Sealants | 1:20

Inlays | 2:22

Periodontitis and Your Health | 1:52

Hard Tissue Laser: Gingivectomy | 0:46

Periodontitis | 1:08

Gingivitis | 1:00

Trauma: Enamel Fracture | 0:27

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